Courses for Certifications
Teaching Certification
These courses are designed for students who wish to become teachers at junior high or high school levels, both public and private. By earning sufficient credits in classes that develop the expertise and techniques necessary to become an educator and also taking classes in one's area of specialization, a student can earn, along with a degree, a teaching certificate for junior high and high school instruction. The type of certification that can be acquired varies according to School and Department.Librarian Certification / Librarian-Teacher Certification
A librarian is responsible for the collection, management, and administration of books and reference data at public, university, or other types of libraries. A librarian-teacher shoulders the responsibility of managing and administering primary, junior high, and high school libraries. In addition to the requirements prescribed for attaining a librarian certification, a librarian-teacher must also acquire a teaching certification. Both certifications can be acquired through any School or Department, and the student must work for the necessary credits for more than three years.Arts and Sciences Certification
Due to the increase in recent years in public and private museums, as well as corporate cultural events, there is a great need for experts in the arts and sciences. The goal of this certification program is to impart the expertise needed to collect, store, display, and conduct research on museum materials at such institutions as natural history, art, and local museums. In particular, this program is designed to develop professionals who are capable of working at human science museums or social science museums. This certification can be acquired through any School or Department, and the student must work to obtain the necessary credits for more than two years.