


写本番号 写本名 写本製作地 年代 閲覧する
MS1 Polychronicon London 1420
MS2 Roman de la Rose (vellum) Northern France 14th century
MS3 Roman de la Rose (paper) Northern France or Netherlands first half 15th century
MS4 De oratore Padua, Italy first quarter 15th century
MS5 De amore dei Italy 14th century
MS6 Savoy Book of Hours France 1450
MS7 Psalter with Canticles 1480 Florence 1480
MS8 Psalter1200 Northern England 1200
MS9 Book of Hours in Latin and French (use of Rouen) Rouen 1470
MS10 Psalter Southern Germany, perhaps Regensburg, and England 1300 and 1400
MS11 Antiphoner Tuscany, Italy 1300
MS12 Book of Hours (use of Sarum) Franders 1450
MS13 Cologne Choirbook Germany 1460-1490
MS14 A Manuscript Book of Cantaus Gregorianus (vellum)   1410
MS15 A.M.S.Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae (vellum) Northern Italy second half of 15th century
MS16 Manuscript Prayerbook in German Southern Germany late 15th century
MS17 Catholic Church, Liturgy and Ritual. Pontifical North‐East Italy 1470
MS18 Catholic Church, Liturgy and Ritual. Hours Arnhem Nederlanden 1470-1480
MS19 Liber historiae Francorum (paper) Northern Italy (perhaps Lombardy) late 15th century
MS20 Office Book in Latin
Cathoric Church, Liturgy and Ritual. Breviary
Southern France second half of 15th century
MS21 Petrarch Rime    




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